1. General information
The "Phase X Technics Giveaway" contest is organized by Phase SAS (PHASE), a Frenchsimplified joint stock company ("société par actions simplifiée"), whose head office is located at 1 Cr de l'Île Seguin, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France, is holding apartnership competition the phase_dj account with technics_global (“Technics”) onInstagram. PHASE is registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under thenumber 915 189 302.Any person who wishes to enter this Giveaway (“Entrant”) shall agree to and comply withthese terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”). A person who disagrees, in whole inpart, to these Terms and Conditions, shall not make the entry into this Contest. Phase alsoreserves the right to cancel or amend this Contest and these Terms and Conditions at anytime without prior notice.
2. Dates of Operation
The contest will run from December 16th, 2024 at 6:00 PM (CEST) until December 26th,2024 at 6:00 PM (CEST). Participation outside of this timeframe will not be considered.
3. Eligibility & Participation
• Entrant shall be 18 years old or older, or be at the age of majority of his/her country ofresidence or older at the day he/she makes an entry (“the Age”). The Entrant under the Ageneeds to obtain the permission of a parent or guardian. By entering this Contest, the Entrantunder the Age indicates that he or she has obtained the permission of a parent or guardian.
• Eligibility for this Giveaway is limited to residents of the European Union, the United States,and Canada. Participants from other regions are not eligible to enter.
• Entrant shall not be a director, employee, or temporary employee of PHASE DJ, Panasonicor Panasonic’s marketing and promotion agencies (“Employee”), or the immediate familymembers of any Employee.
• Entrant can enter the giveaway by following these steps through his/her personal Instagram:
1. Step one: Follow @technics_global and @phase_dj on Instagram
2. Step two: Like the giveaway post
3. Step three: Tag a DJ friend in the comments. Each comment is one entryand number of tags is unlimited.
4. Step four: For an extra entry, share the post to your Instagram story and tagboth @technics_global and @phase_dj
• Entrant shall make the Entrant’s account public so that phase_dj can find the Entrant’sentry(s).
4. Winner and Prizes
The number of the prizes for this contest, and the Entrant whose entry receives suchprize (“Winner”) shall be decided solely upon Phase’s discretion.
• Phase and/or its contractor shall contact the Winner via direct message in Instagramwithin 48 hours after the end of contest Period at the latest.
• The contest winner will receive the following prize and no cash alternative will be offered:
2 x Technics SL-1210MK7 turntables
1 x Custom Phase Essential
• Results of the Winner will be announced on phase_dj Official Instagram Account onDecember 27, 2024 at the latest.
• If the winner does not respond within 7 days of notification, they forfeit the prize, andanother winner will be selected.
• In addition, all Winners agree that PHASE & Technics Global will use the Winner’shandle name only for the purpose of this Contest and agree not to exercise moral rightsconcerning the use of winning entries by PHASE, its affiliates, or its contractors.
• In the event that any Winner is disqualified from this Contest, PHASE, at its solediscretion, may decide whether a replacement Winner should be selected. Any furtherWinner will be selected by the same process and criteria set out in these Terms andConditions. PHASE may repeat this process any number of times until it has selected asatisfactory Winner in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
• PHASES’s decision, or any changes made by PHASE, regarding the Winner and all theprizes, and/or in every event that might not expressly stipulated in these Terms andConditions, shall be final and binding on all Entrants in this Contest. PHASE & Technicsaccepts no queries, themes or appeals regarding Phase decision from any Entrant orthird party. The receipt by any Winner of any prize under this Contest is conditional uponcompliance with any and all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
5. Delivery of Prizes
Prizes will be shipped by postal service to the winners within 30 days following theannouncement of the results. The organizer is not responsible for any lost or damagedprizes during shipping.
6. Miscellaneous
• PHASE will not collect or retain any personal information through this contest, except thewinner’s personal data for shipping and communication, which will be destroyed after theprize is received.
• PHASE, in its sole discretion reserves the right: (i) to terminate or suspend this Contest;and/or (ii) to amend/change these Terms and Conditions and/or the prize, without anyliability or notice to any Entrant.
• In the event that any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions proves to beinvalid or illegal, that will not in any way affect, impair or invalidate any other provision,and all other provisions of these Terms and Conditions will be full force and effect.
• In the event of disputes regarding this Contest or these Terms and Conditions of thisContest, PHASE shall have the right to make the final decision.
• By entering the contest, participants accept these terms and conditions in full. Theorganizer reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest if circumstances demand.Any legal disputes will be settled under the laws of France